50+ Friends Club Cookbook
Pies and Pastries

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Elegant Strawberry Pie

From the Kitchen of:  Darryl Casad

To make Berry Glaze:

Combine 1/4 cup sugar and 2 tablespoons cornstarch. Blend in 1/3 cup water, 1/3 cup grenadine syrup, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Cook and stir over medium heat till mixture thickens and bubbles. Cover and cool at room temperature (do not chill). Sprinkle almonds on bottom of pastry shell; set aside.

For Filling:

In small mixer bowl combine pudding mix, milk, and sour cream. Beat at low speed on electric mixer about 1 minute, using a rubber spatula to guide mixture toward beaters. Immediately pour pudding over almonds in pastry shell. Spread one-third of the Berry Glaze atop filling. Arrange the sliced strawberries atop in a circular pattern, beginning next to crust. Spoon remaining Berry Glaze over fruit. Chill till serving time.