50+ Friends Club Cookbook

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Sticker Gum

From the Kitchen of:  Jo

Comments:  Click here for original article by Kim Tilley containing this & other recipes.
    We made this for a class Christmas party and designed stickers with artwork we found on the web. I then painted the back of the printed artwork with sticker gum and hung them on a small laundry rack to dry. The kids in class loved their stickers, and the parents thought it was pretty neat. We used a drop or two of peppermint extract instead of lemon, but the solution did not keep. Try lemon extract for long-term use.

1. In a small bowl, sprinkle gelatin into cold water. Put aside until softened.
2. Pour softened gelatin into boiling water and stir until completely dissolved.
3. Add corn syrup and lemon extract. Mix well. Make 4 ounces.

To use: Brush gum onto the back of paper. When dry, cut out "stickers" and moisten glue with tongue. Put stickers on whatever you like.

To store : If stored in a pill bottle or other tightly sealed container, it should last several months

Note: This gum will gel. Top return it to a liquid state, warm it in a pan of hot water, just like you would warm a baby bottle. Heck, warm it with the baby bottle!