50+ Friends Club Cookbook

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Finger Paint 2

From the Kitchen of:  Jo
Source:   Recipes for Arts and Crafts Materials by Helen Sattler

Comments:  Click here for original article by Kim Tilley containing this & other recipes.

* Borax is toxic if eaten. If you have a child that may eat finger paint, you can use lemon extract as a preservative instead, or omit the preservative and make just enough for one use.

1. In a saucepan, mix flour with a � cup of water to form a paste.
2. Add the rest of the water and cook over low heat until thick and clear, stirring constantly.
3. Let cool. Add glycerin and borax. If mixture is too thick and does not spread easily, add a little more water.

Divide and pour into small, screw top jars (baby jars are great for this). Add food coloring or poster paints to tint.

This paint keeps for a long time if stored in airtight containers.