50+ Friends Club Cookbook
Meat and Game

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Meat Ball Puffs

From the Kitchen of:  Misfire

Great party idea or for when the kids won't eat their meat.

Preheat oven to 350F.

On a cookie sheet, flatten one biscuit to approximately 4" in diameter. Form meat mixture into slightly larger than golf ball sized meatball and place in the center of the biscuit. Bring opposite sides together and pinch to seal. Bring ends together and pinch to seal. Turn the puff over, sealed side down.

Space meatball puffs approximately 2" apart on the cookie sheet. Bake in 350F oven for 30 minutes.

Makes 10 meatball puffs.

The pastry will puff up and turn golden brown while the meat inside cooks thoroughly. Serve with ketchup or other sauce of your choice on the side. Kids and party guests will be delighted with the hidden "surprise" inside.