50+ Friends Club Cookbook
Cooking For a Crowd

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Chuck Wagon Stew

From the Kitchen of:  Pepper
Source:  www.culinary.com

  1. Cook beef in its own fat with onions and peppers until it loses its pink color, stirring to break apart in steam-jacketed kettle or stock pot. Drain or skim off excess fat.
  2. Add catsup and beans to beef, onion and pepper mixture. Stir well.
  3. Simmer for 20 minutes

NOTES: 1. 6 lb. 11 oz. onion will yield 6 lb. Chopped onions. 2. 4 cups dehydrated, chopped onion may be used. 3. 3 lb. 11 oz. peppers will yield 3 lbs. Chopped peppers. 4. 6 cups dehydrated green peppers may be used.

Serving size: 11/4 cup