50+ Friends Club Cookbook -- Cakes and Frostings -- HALLOWEEN BLACK SPIDER CAKE

50+ Friends Club Cookbook
Cakes and Frostings

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From the Kitchen of:  Paz
Source:  Gourmet Connection Newsletter

Preparation Time: 25 minutes

  1. Prepare cake and gelatin according to package directions. Except use 9" round cake pans for the cake.
  2. Cut a smaller circle out of one cake and using it as the head.
  3. Fill the hole left over with gelatin.
  4. Place the other layer on top and trim to shape.
  5. To prepare frosting: In a mixing bowl, add blue food coloring to chocolate frosting until black in color.
  6. Frost cake black. Then, use the black licorice as legs and gumballs as eyes.

NOTE : When cake is cut into, it oozes green goop.

Servings: 12